When I was first considering the V Strom as a motorcycle I focused on what we needed when we travel to Europe and Morocco in the Big trip.Since then we have moved to the Island and started taking advantage of some beautiful roads to ride, places to see, and the capability of the bike to get us there.

Our first excursion of the spring was out to Port Renfrew via the back road, mostly hard surfaced but with about 8 kms of gravel. The bike was great on it.
Next, the Destinations Highway guide for BC lists the road to Gold River road from Campbell River as a top ride. We decided to take our camping gear and rdie out there. It was beautiful and we then wanted to ride to Tahsis knowing that we'd have to stay overnight.
Well after 5 Black Bear a beautiful but gravel road we arrived in Tahsis, found a great campground to stay at ( Seaside RV Park) and an excellent Lobster dinner since it was Father's Day. After a pleasant overnight we felt invigorated about back road riding and learned that we could get to Woss, 3/4 way to Telegraph Cove and Port McNeill by way of a closed gravel road. We took the road, using our GPS to confirm its route so that we wouldn't get lost and shaved about 4 hours riding off of returning to Campbell River then heading up there. While the road was nothing special other than it was very rough we enjoyed hitting pavement again and swallowing the open pavement quickly up to Telegraph Cove.
Fortunately tourism was still slow there and we were able to see it without huge crowds. But it is a quaint and pretty setting and really suitable for post card printing.

From there we travelled back to Campbell River and spent a most enjoyable overnight at Miracle Beach Campground and ate out at the wonderful Salmon Pt. pub. Their oyster burgers are really good.
Since then I've ridden out to Carmanah Walbran PR Pk. with a buddy Johnon his 650 V Strom. When we asked the ranger how many bikes make the trip out on some brutal granite rock roads he advised we were the first he'd seen.
Next up, the SW of the USA.